What You Get

• A beautiful storage box designed for your child to colour in and make their own
• 6 physical letters with magical stories and beautiful illustrations of River and Tom's adventures in nature
• 6 mission cards with 2 or 3 fun and simple nature activities that can be done indoors or out
• 6 inspiring video messages from real-life Nature Heroes
• Choice of English or Dutch language
• Peace of mind - We use only 100% eco-friendly materials

"Foss is so proud to be part of the Secret Protectors Club, he loves to tell all his friends about how he climbs in trees and does other cool missions!"

In May 2021 we are launching our first product via Crowdfunding!
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What We Bring

More Natural Play & Less Screen Time
A curiosity for nature draws children away from screens and into the natural world. Our letters and missions facilitate this in fun, creative and exciting ways

Fun Activities &
Magical Missions
What shall we do today?
Secret Protectors Club
missions of course! Our Mission Cards are filled with ideas for simple and engaging activities to do with your child

Real Life Nature Heroes
Fun and inspiring video messages from real life Nature Heroes show your child that anything is possible! We can all make a difference!
How It Works
Become a Secret Protector. Join River, Tom & Rusty on their adventures. Complete your very own missions. Enjoy nature!
Secret Protectors Club Membership Box
From the moment the box arrives your child is a member of the Secret Protectors Club, now they are ready to go on adventures with River and Tom and be part of their secret missions.

Magical Letters
Your child receives magical & exciting letters from River, Tom & Rusty. Filled with stories about mysterious forests, talking animals and crazy adventures. All you have to do is pop them on the doormat!

Secret Missions!
All Secret Protectors will receive a mission card in their letters with fun and easy to do missions. Just like River and Tom in the letters they will get creative, protect local wildlife and get active in nature.

Nature Is
Where The Magic Happens...
Connecting to nature reveals the hidden beauty of the world around us & sparks calmness, creativity and curiosity in everyone who encounters it!

Meet The Nature Heroes!
Once your child has completed their mission, they unlock a secret video message from a famous real-life Nature Hero who will share an inspiring story about her or his own mission!

Our letters and missions are co-created with real Nature Heroes from: